The Drug Hub

Getting Out Alive: Surviving Homelessness as a Youth

Finding the Grey: Tales from treatment from two harm reductionists

Buying Time

Experiencing Psychosis: An Article Written by Two Hysterical Women

Criminalization of illicit substances: A structure to maintain inequality

The Museum of Past Lives Lived

Risk Mitigation Guidance is not safe supply – It’s an expanded form of Opioid Agonist Therapy

Contact High

Heroin, Crohn’s, and My Story

Firefighters Suffering Silently

Stigma is Killing Us

Wasted Time

Evaluating the Vancouver Model of Decriminalization

Why Using Discriminatory Language to Say Only “Addicts” Can Help Themselves is Dangerous

“You’ve Done Your Time in the Trenches”

Loves Learning…

On the Intersection of Transness, Substance Use, and a Broken Healthcare System

36.4 degrees Celsius

Enduring Prolonged Grief

Even just by listening, harm reduction workers can improve mental health among people who use drugs

To what extent do supervised consumption services allow oral, intranasal, and inhaled drug use?

Dirty little secrets

i cannot hold the ocean in my hands, though i’ve tried

A Safe Place to Use

Harm Reduction in shelters is a no brainer and will save and change lives

Drug Use for Grown Ups: A Conversation between Stephanie and Dr. Carl Hart’s Latest Book

The power of peers in the establishment of supervised injection sites

Bill C-22 Maintains a Deadly Status Quo: A Montréal Perspective

Bad Data Lingers: Happy Birthday to the Alberta SCS Report

Sex, Drugs, and Harm Reduction: We all know it happens, let’s make it safe as possible for everyone who uses drugs.

How an Alliance between the US and Canada could Empower People on Methadone Maintenance Treatment

Hepatitis C infection secondary to illicit drug use for prisoners within the correctional system.

Urinary drug screens: what are they used for and where is the evidence?

Methadone Prescriptions and Holidays

I was a Frontline Shelter Worker During the Ongoing Overdose Crisis. It’s Been Over Two Years and I Still Haven’t Recovered.